Carl John Fechner
Carl is the Founder of Growing Deep and Strong Series, Founder of Strategy Consultants, A follower of Jesus Christ. His life passion is to be a catalyst and facilitator in developing people who will become leaders and disciplers of others.

Spiritual Growth Resources

Jesus ChristThe Bible is the best spiritual growth resource you could ever  find. it is a well of life giving principles once you  understand the principles it is attempting to convey.

I once thought of the Bible as a book of rules overseen by an aloof God who had no real meaning, relevance or purpose to everyday life.

I have since discovered it is a beautiful book on how to live life to the fullest, depicting real life situations that we all face throughout our lives. The Bible is now my go to  “reference” manual for everyday living.

Our Spiritual Journey

I spent 42 years living life from a godless point of view, however on May 23rd 1990 I had a very  real and powerful encounter with God and decided from that day forward I was going to live life from a Biblical worldview.

It wasn’t easy to change 42 years of godless behavior, I knew God was real and over the years I have read and studied many Christian books that have helped my wife Karen and me in our journey of living life from a biblical worldview.

In addition, we have participated in many Life changing Christian courses that have impacted and transformed our lives.

Spiritual Growth Resources

Just like I was, you may be struggling to know how to live life from a Biblical worldview. With this thought in mind I decided to create a “directory style” website that lists some of the resources we have used to help us grow.

You will find many resources we recommend at