Growing Deep and Strong Series®
We collectively spent over 35,000 hours so that almost anyone with leadership or management skills could disciple new Christians and help them become future leaders in society with a biblical worldview.
Empowering you to Disciple Others
It has been designed to empower Christians who have a burning desire to teach new believers on how to live a transformed life according to God’s Word by following the steps we have written in the Coach’s manuals. It is biblically sound and easy to teach.
But first let’s go back to how it began.
When I first became a follower of Jesus Christ, with no church background, I struggled with the “hotch potch” of fragmented and poor discipleship materials for new Christians.
I doggedly persisted, trying to find a Study Bible that helped me grow, plus I ferociously consumed every piece of discipleship material I could find.
But for a new believer with no Christian background, it was very difficult to piece it together and apply it to my every day lifestyle.
In 2002, I found a very gifted theologian and with others, we began the journey of writing an intentional discipleship path for new Christians, that was biblically sound, easy to use, teach and understand.
The material is written in a way that takes the new believer on a journey of personal growth, applying Biblical principles that are relevant in today’s society, and how God meant us to live a full and blessed life in His Kingdom.
The “©Growing Deep and Strong Series”® will provide and support the Christian community with a complete step by step off-the-shelf 19 or 37 weeks Bible Study Discipleship and Leadership Course that is simple to use, easy to understand and multiplies small groups organically.
The Course takes a person from a non church background to a Small Group Christian Leader in 12 months or less. It is guaranteed to work if the Course is followed, learned and used as described.
The “one year” educational program is Word based and Spirit Filled, It consists of a Basic 19 weeks Discipleship Course, or an Advanced 37 weeks Discipleship Course. The Basic Course is two modules, called laying the Foundation and developing Godly character.
The Advanced Discipleship Course is the third and fourth modules or the second 18 weeks of the 37 week program is dedicated to training the new Christian to discover their God-given gifts, how to reach, teach and mentor others.
Thousands of hours of research and development at a huge cost both personally and financially were expended for 10 years to complete the materials, graphics, videos, packaging and various technological works to make the “one year” Christian Mentoring program available to the Christian community in a simple yet profound manner that not only transforms lives but whole communities.
My long term vision is to be a catalyst and facilitator in developing people to become leaders and disciplers of others.
And create an environment that develops leaders who change a nation from a biblical worldview.