Carl John Fechner
Carl is the Founder of Growing Deep and Strong Series, Founder of Strategy Consultants, A follower of Jesus Christ. His life passion is to be a catalyst and facilitator in developing people who will become leaders and disciplers of others.

New Christian Course

New Christian CourseOur New Christian Course has been designed for brand new Christians who have no church background like me when I first became a follower of Jesus Christ on May 23rd, 1990.

I knew I wanted God in my life but had no idea why Jesus Christ died on the Cross, who the Holy Spirit was, or how to read a Bible and live a new lifestyle that was very different from my worldly lifestyle.

It was a difficult for me and my wife Karen to find New Christian Course materials that made sense to someone who never grew up in a Church environment.

We were dedicated to being followers of Jesus Christ, change our very worldly lifestyle and live according to what the Bible taught.

We now live a fantastic Christian lifestyle with all the blessings and freedom a follower of Jesus Christ can have when they follow the principles of what the Bible teaches.

But it was a very long journey, and most New Christian Course materials were fragmented and written in “Christianese” language that as new believers it was very foreign to the worldly language we were used to.

Many would have given up and fell back to their old ways. Doggedly we persisted and slowly we grew in our knowledge and our lifestyle changed.

Over the years we have observed how poorly the body of Christ has been discipled, and sometimes it is difficult to discern the difference in the behaviour of some Christians to the worldly behaviour of non-believers.

A Vision of The Coming Harvest

A Vision of The Coming HarvestEarly in my Christian walk, God gave me a vision of the coming harvest, and the vision was this:

I saw a fishing trawler that had just returned from netting a large catch, and on the rear deck was a very large net swinging from a crane, it was full of fresh fish, it was literally bursting at the seams and the crane was straining under the weight of the catch.

The fish were freshly caught, fat, very healthy, sea water was still dripping from the net onto the deck, and I was watching the odd small fish slipping through the net onto the deck.

fishing boatAs I kept looking at the vision, I saw a drawstring rope keeping the net closed at the bottom and from the corner of my eye I saw a hand holding the rope and it appeared that at any moment the person holding the rope was about to release the catch.

Coming from a fishing background I knew that when the catch was released onto the deck, It would a call to, “All hands on deck,” to clean the catch quickly before they went smelly, rotten and of no use to anyone.

As I pondered the vision, I realised the fish represented the coming “harvest of souls” and the hand on the rope was Jesus Christ, and at any moment was about to release the catch.

And the call “all hands on deck” will be for the Christian community to quickly clean up the harvest before they go smelly and of no use. (my words for expressing being poorly discipled or fall away.)

Tools for the Harvest

Tools for the HarvestAmos 3:7 says, The Lord does nothing unless He first reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets.

It is evident from the Prophetic community that at any moment there is coming a Great Awakening like we have never seen before in history.

It was for this reason that I wrote the Growing Deep and Strong® Series to Equip the Saints to quickly disciple new Christians.

The Growing Deep and Strong® Series is an intentional Christian discipleship and small group leadership program to help you quickly transform the life of a new Christian.

You will take a person from a pagan background to a Christian small group leader discipling others in 12 months or less.

It’s all done for you

If you have a burning desire to disciple others, this is for you. I have made it easy to use and simple to teach, I have given you all the Bible verses and commentaries in the Coach’s manual that you will ever need to disciple a new Christian.

It is biblically sound and easy to teach. It has been designed to empower ordinary Christians who have a desire to teach new believers on how to live a transformed life according to God’s word.

Myself and various contributors collectively spent over 35,000 hours to give you a complete-off-the shelf Christian Bible study discipleship and leadership course that you simply purchase and implement.

Are you ready to take the next step and create your own new Christian Training Centre?

Its never been easier with our simple to use, inexpensive new Christian Discipleship and Small Group Leadership programs.