Carl John Fechner
Carl is the Founder of Growing Deep and Strong Series, Founder of Strategy Consultants, A follower of Jesus Christ. His life passion is to be a catalyst and facilitator in developing people who will become leaders and disciplers of others.

Bible Study Lessons are made easy

bible studyThe Bible is a brilliant book on how to live a fulfilled life, but for many new Christians who have had no church background it is important that they learn how to unlock the Bible and all Bible study lessons are made easy.

A new Christians challenge

new Christians challengeThe challenge for a new Christian is how to apply the Bible and its teachings to their lives. It is a book with a massive amount of information and can be quite daunting. With this in mind we feel it is vitally important that all bible study lessons are made easy for a new Christian.

At the age of 42 when I was born again and became a follower of Jesus Christ I had no idea where to begin and the Bible study lessons that I was given, used what I call “Christianese,” they were written in a language that I had not grown up with.

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New generation Christian

new generation christianThe new Christian believer of today most likely will have had no church upbringing or understanding of being a follower of Jesus Christ. So it is paramount that Bible study lessons are made easy for them to understand and follow without compromising the Word of God or what the Bible teaches us.

A new Christians journey

new Christians journeyThe journey for a new Christian is a bit like planning a road trip. If you were to go on a road trip, one of the things you would use is a road map and plan your journey step by step.
You would plan what your outcome or destination was going to be, it would have a beginning, the required steps along the way, such as meals, rest, fuel breaks and how to reach your ultimate destination.
Depending on how well you plan out the journey will determine how successful and enjoyable the outcome will be.
The journey for a new Christian is no different and the discipleship process and success is very dependent on what we provide them with to help them grow into a strong Christian.

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Growing Deep and Strong®

Growing Deep and StrongWhen I began the journey of writing the Growing Deep and Strong® series, I knew our target audience was the new generation Christian who had no Biblical knowledge at all.
I felt that it was vitally important that we “took them by the hand” and went on an intentional discipleship path, all the Bible study lessons are made easy to understand and they could easily apply the biblical principles to everyday living.

Course Outline

The Growing Deep and Strong® series course outline is fully explained on our website.
I also understood what outcome we wanted and that was to fulfil the Great Commission, “Go and make disciples.”
However I knew that it was important to do this in a sequential manner from laying the foundations, to developing a Godly character, evangelising their circle of influence and then discipling those they brought into the Christianity and fulfilling the great commission.

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Create Your Own New Christian Training Centre

You can now start your own New Christian Training Centre discipling new Christians with our inexpensive and easy to use, new Christian Discipleship and Small Group Leadership programs. It has been designed to help you take a brand new follower of Jesus Christ to a Small Group Leader discipling others in 12 months or less.

Time frames

Discipling New Christians has never been easier, you can create your own New Christian Training Centre at any global location and in your time frames. Each face to face teaching module is based on one hour time frames, so you can be discipling new Christians in the workplace at lunch time, or McDonald’s, Starbucks, your home, Skype, Zoom or any other convenient location.

Easy to teach.

It’s biblically sound and easy to teach. Collectively myself and various contributors have spent thousands and thousands of hours developing the Growing Deep and Strong® Discipleship Course Structure and trialled it with multiple groups to make sure that almost anyone could follow our simple, easy to follow instructions in the coach’s manuals and begin to teach and disciple others.


To gain a full understanding of how we achieved this, go to the website page called, “Discipleship Course Outline.” Plus you can download our free copy of Discipling Others Coach’s manual

Are you ready to take the next step and create your own new Christian Training Centre?

Its never been easier with our simple to use, inexpensive new Christian Discipleship and Small Group Leadership programs.